Page name: Wiccaz Wing [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-29 22:58:50
Last author: Like Sun Through The Rain
Owner: None
# of watchers: 7
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D20: 6
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Welcome to Wiccaz Wing



I am [Like Sun Through The Rain]<img:>

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2005-07-21 [Dream to make belive]: lala

2005-07-21 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lalala

2005-07-22 [~Acidelf3~]: yah.. i am not in that much trouble.. ahah

2005-07-24 [lordjoesnow]: okay...

2005-07-25 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: im bored

2005-07-25 [punx unite]: aren't we all?

2005-07-25 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: all wut o sure

2005-07-25 [~Acidelf3~]: im at cindys..... going home laterz

2005-07-25 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: hI

2005-07-25 [~Acidelf3~]: HI.... im home now..

2005-07-26 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: hi

2005-07-26 [~Acidelf3~]: fucking school!!! they fucked with my classes.. put me in stupid ones that gurrrrr .. this is gay and pathatic

2005-07-26 [punx unite]: ???huh???

2005-07-27 [~Acidelf3~]: they put me in stupid classes... gay school .. im gunna quit

2005-07-27 [punx unite]: O_O wow

2005-07-27 [~Acidelf3~]: yah... well im not going to quit but im close to doing so.. i hate that crap.. tryed to change me out of the classes i want.. and ended up messing up my hole scedual

2005-07-27 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wow dont qwit though itz not good no no *wavez a naughty finger* no bad

2005-07-27 [Dream to make belive]: Yeah don't.

2005-07-27 [~Acidelf3~]: im so over love.... i keep falling in love with jt...... i told him tonight for some reason beond what i know .... i told him i was letting him go forever... forever is a long time.... but i made him promise not to forget me and not to rip or burn any of my pictures i sent him and any of my letters.. he promised and i made him promise that if possible we would be together.... it still hurts... oh god does it hurt.... when i told him i was letting him go.... he called elishia...*chick that all his friends wanted him to be with, and his aunt and uncle, and her* he called and asked her out and they r now dating... i hate it because im probly not going to be the same.... i am not going to date

2005-07-27 [~Acidelf3~]: anyone this year... its my jr year of high school... ive been told im stupid from one of the counclers... and worse is i need help .. i need to go to a ph. doctor... to get all this crap off my mind.... its so so stress full... i still cry over him and it hurts more than anything to know that he does still love me but doesnt want to try to work it out between us ... idk anymore guys.. idk what to do... other than cry

2005-07-27 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wow

2005-07-27 [~Acidelf3~]: sad part of it all... is he called her right after i told him i was giveing him away...... he called and asked her out...... and told me to call in 5 min.. i knew what he was doing ... when i called back.. he said she said yes... so im happy for him that hes got someone closer... but i know its not what he wants....

2005-07-27 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wowo *huglez* im srry

2005-07-27 [~Acidelf3~]: thanks.... but im just going to get off for now.............. i need to eat or else ill strarve my self to death....................... oh one more thing.... i had a dream last night that me and him had a wonderful house and had 2 wonderful kids............ now look at me.... alone

2005-07-27 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: o yea dont starve ok

2005-07-27 [~Acidelf3~]: yah i didnt... i am back for now

2005-07-28 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: thatz good

2005-07-28 [Dream to make belive]: Yeah.

2005-07-28 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: yop

2005-07-28 [~Acidelf3~]: isnt it weird how we always talk about my problems.......oh well i knew it was comming.. and its time to move on... what u never had to hold cant hurt as much as if u did....

2005-07-29 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: true

2005-08-01 [Dream to make belive]: We like making you feel better *kisses your hand*

2005-08-01 [~Acidelf3~]: awh... thanks!!! *a tear falls from my eye*

2005-08-01 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: awwwwwwwwwwwww how tweet *gigglez and doez the lovey dovey wuvey dance*

2005-08-02 [~Acidelf3~]: oh shut up shazzy!!! *hits her with a big pillow, and then looks into max's eyes*

2005-08-02 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ouch *laugj* awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

2005-08-02 [~Acidelf3~]: will u shut up! *smiles and looks back at max* shes so weird..

2005-08-03 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: heehee awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

2005-08-03 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: w8 a min HEY!!!

2005-08-03 [Dream to make belive]: *Smiles at Brit* JaJa stop *gets a little closer to Britney*

2005-08-04 [~Acidelf3~]: ahw thats great! *laughs and smiles at max*

2005-08-04 [~Acidelf3~]: HEy.. i forgot to mention my internet is not working.. and right now im babysitting.. so idk when ill be on next

2005-08-04 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: o ok thatz ok and awwwwwwwww hot tweet

2005-08-05 [~Acidelf3~]: oh sush it!.. it started to work tonight.... so im on.. finaly... but 2 days with out it is torture.... *kisses max's cheek* im sorry i was gone so long..

2005-08-05 [lordjoesnow]: is this guna b like shazzy and nekko but with max and brit!! please STOP :P

2005-08-05 [~Acidelf3~]: hey.. im not that bad...... oh and if all of u have aim.. add me penguin pooper 3 ..... and im at a friends tonight.. amberley's so yah.. i will try to get on later.. but for max.. not any of you ... JK!! lol love you all

2005-08-06 [lordjoesnow]: errr explain to me please...whats all this with max eh? it sounds sooooo....suggestive :P

2005-08-07 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol her and maxy r loverz but they dont kno it yet lol

2005-08-07 [Dream to make belive]: *blushes after the kiss then kicks shaz in the knee* Shut it!

2005-08-07 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: OUCH!! YOU ASS LICKER BUT MUNCHING FUCK DAMN!!

2005-08-07 [lordjoesnow]: guys guys guys! there is no need for violence...this is love *smiles*  now lets not kick our little sisters*hugs shazy* and lets all celebrate. shall we?

2005-08-08 [~Acidelf3~]: max, dont kik her.. shes not that bad i mean yah she can be annoying but hey i have a little brother that is worse... however i love the fact that you would do that for me!! *blushes* im not really worth all that trouble!!

2005-08-08 [lordjoesnow]: yes you are

2005-08-08 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *grabs knee and jumpz n circle sayin OWWWW*

2005-08-08 [lordjoesnow]: *does the same, thinking its some kind of dance*

2005-08-08 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *glares* im n pain here *lifts pany leg 2 show a bruse n the shape of a foot*

2005-08-08 [lordjoesnow]: *puts on doctors clothes*  well let me diagnose ur leg then....hmmm....hmmmm....i think there is only one cure for this...LOTS OF HUGS AND KISSES!!! :P *hugs and kisses leg* there :)

2005-08-08 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *gigglez* eww u just kisses maxy boyz foot print bruse

2005-08-09 [lordjoesnow]: but its okay cos its on ur leg...u shud b saying 'ewww ugly joe just fouled my leg'

2005-08-09 [~Acidelf3~]: hey.. now if i cant put my self down.. then dont u do it to u.. hahahahahhahahahahah... oh and my internet is working again!!!!! yes!!!!!! score!!!!!!! lol... *kisses max's lips* and jumps up and down.

2005-08-09 [lordjoesnow]: woah! her computer makes her hyper!! :|

2005-08-09 [~Acidelf3~]: yes it does... lol so does max.....

2005-08-09 [~Acidelf3~]: i mean uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

2005-08-10 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: 0,0 WUT THE LUCIFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do u fancy maxy

2005-08-10 [Dream to make belive]: *turns extremly red* shh! Ja *yawns and then kisses britney back*

2005-08-10 [~Acidelf3~]: *laughs at this* i told you before, yes i do!! lol anyways... max doesnt get on that much.... makes me sad... :-(

2005-08-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: no he getz out lotz just doesnt get n much lol so much work 4 maxy

2005-08-11 [~Acidelf3~]: .... i dont think i get it....... *looks confused, and wispers* Max what is she talking about?

2005-08-11 [Dream to make belive]: I think she means Im out too much, but who knows sometimes I wonder if she is even still in our world or if shes talkin to some one we can see lol

2005-08-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: yup w8 hey

2005-08-11 [~Acidelf3~]: oh well i talk to someone i cant see.. like .. see daily.. cuz i talk to both of you .. so there.. hahahhahahahahah... ok its not that funny... uhhhh neways

2005-08-12 [lordjoesnow]: i talk to people i can see but for some reason, no1 else can :S

2005-08-13 [~Acidelf3~]: well.... if we r counting them them i do too

2005-08-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol huh

2005-08-13 [~Acidelf3~]: u r so ... slowwwww.. lol

2005-08-13 [lordjoesnow]: :P change ur name to slow

2005-08-14 [~Acidelf3~]: she should.. lol

2005-08-14 [lordjoesnow]: :P

2005-08-14 [~Acidelf3~]: so whats new... since max has not been on nothing has been here to obtain my intrestes

2005-08-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol hez really busy wiv work he said 2 tell u he misses ya

2005-08-15 [~Acidelf3~]: awh.. i miss him so much ..... i dont like his work anymore....... its taking him away from me... *sniff, tear*

2005-08-18 [lordjoesnow]: ahwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

2005-08-19 [~Acidelf3~]: oh shut up

2005-08-19 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: oh dont wrry and hiz work he lix being a model and actor

2005-08-20 [~Acidelf3~]: I WANT MAX.... *TEARS FALL FROM EYES REALLY FAST* MY NIGHT HAS NOT BEEN GOOD AND NOW SHAZZY TELLS ME MAX IS IN COMA.. I ... I .... WANT MY MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-08-20 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: i kno itz itz ok

2005-08-20 [~Acidelf3~]: i hate it..

2005-08-21 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: me 2

2005-08-21 [~Acidelf3~]: omg.. umm cody dont think u r telling the truth i told him and he was like well i dont belive it.. omg its so messed up

2005-08-22 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: huh

2005-08-22 [~Acidelf3~]: cody thinks u r not telling the truth about max......

2005-08-22 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: WUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I CANT BELIVE THAT WUT A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do u belive him britney

2005-08-23 [~Acidelf3~]: no, i dont..... i mean look how long he hasnt been on.. he would come back to talk to me.. i truely belive that.. i wish i could come see him

2005-08-23 [Dream to make belive]: *yawns then hugs Britney* Missed ya


2005-08-23 [Dream to make belive]: *coughs* too tight

2005-08-23 [~Acidelf3~]: oh sorry... im still fucking happy as hell

2005-08-30 [lordjoesnow]: dude, u were in a coma?

2005-08-31 [~Acidelf3~]: he was....... i miss him.. gurr.. hes never on.. damn him.. i guess he doesnt like me that much anymore

2005-08-31 [lordjoesnow]: no its not not on much either...hes a busy guy

2005-08-31 [~Acidelf3~]: yah.. right.... until i hear from him.. i am going to think he dont like me........ so ...... max please talk to me

2005-09-03 [~Acidelf3~]: OMG WHAT THE CRAP!!!!

2005-09-03 [~Acidelf3~]: WHAT HAPPEND TO THE WIKI???

2005-09-03 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: it wuz desroyed

2005-09-04 [~Acidelf3~]: yah duh i see that but why???? i mean who did it?? this is crap can they do this???

2005-09-04 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: they just did

2005-09-04 [~Acidelf3~]: et guards ??/

2005-09-04 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: No dont do that please he hates me enough right now so every one must leave the wiki or well u can stay i supose *stops watching wiki*

2005-09-08 [lordjoesnow]: why isnt she watching the wikis????

2005-09-09 [Dream to make belive]: Becouse there is not point this wiki and three others have been dystroed no point n watching a fucked wiki

2005-09-10 [~Acidelf3~]: somthign like that

2005-09-11 [lordjoesnow]: thats harsh on the fucked up wiki :P

2005-09-16 [Dream to make belive]: lol

2005-09-17 [~Acidelf3~]: im still watcing.. r u?

2005-09-17 [Dream to make belive]: Yea

2005-09-17 [~Acidelf3~]: lol

2005-09-19 [lordjoesnow]: im watching more :P

2005-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: u r not

2005-09-22 [lordjoesnow]: oh...i spose ur rite...

2005-09-23 [~Acidelf3~]: lol

2005-10-03 [lordjoesnow]: AHA!

2005-10-04 [~Acidelf3~]: i love chris chris... my bf .. if you dont knwo what im talking about just go read my diary its much easier then on here..

2005-10-04 [Dream to make belive]: ......

2005-10-04 [~Acidelf3~]: well i do

2005-10-04 [~Acidelf3~]: hey did u see my comment??? for the wiki change??? hahaha

2005-10-05 [lordjoesnow]: lol yeh but a hope no one here is actually on crack

2005-10-05 [~Acidelf3~]: lol.. see this wiki still works.. we just have to re vamp it

2005-10-05 [~Acidelf3~]: hahahahah who is the smart one!!!

2005-10-13 [lordjoesnow]: *claps* :D

2005-10-16 [~Acidelf3~]: lol

2005-10-18 [Dream to make belive]: WHAT THE BLOODY HELL! I though Ja crashed this wiki.

2005-10-19 [~Acidelf3~]: i fixed it... hahaha muhahaha

2005-10-19 [Dream to make belive]: lol how did you do that its weird hey ill send some pix to put up in it

2005-10-19 [Dream to make belive]: <~IMG:>

2005-10-19 [Dream to make belive]: just copy paste but take out the ~ at the end and fromt.

2005-10-19 [~Acidelf3~]: alright and i knoe that

2005-10-24 [Dream to make belive]: O ok sorry. Are you mad at me?

2005-10-24 [lordjoesnow]: LOL KEWL BANNER!!!!

2005-10-24 [~Acidelf3~]: no why would i be mad at you... yah.. now just to get ja back

2005-11-03 [lordjoesnow]: good luck!

2005-11-03 [~Acidelf3~]: yah....

2005-11-07 [lordjoesnow]: no good?

2005-11-07 [~Acidelf3~]: what no good?

2005-11-10 [lordjoesnow]: attempting to lure shazzy to this page..

2005-11-10 [~Acidelf3~]: ok

2005-11-11 [lordjoesnow]: ok?

2005-11-12 [~Acidelf3~]: yah like i mean im working on it.. ill get it done

2005-11-12 [lordjoesnow]: good good, cud u send shaz a card and say its from me please?

2005-11-13 [lordjoesnow]: she isnt well...write her a get well soon card from me please

2005-11-14 [~Acidelf3~]: im still confused

2005-11-17 [lordjoesnow]: on her house shes in hospital rite?

2005-11-17 [~Acidelf3~]: idk?

2005-11-18 [lordjoesnow]: :S oki im rele confused now!

2005-11-21 [Dream to make belive]: Yeah She has been in the hospital alot lately. Just got out friday form another episode. Had a CT scan and all. We are all worried.

2005-11-21 [lordjoesnow]: is she going to be ok?

2005-11-21 [~Acidelf3~]: .. im confused

2005-11-21 [lordjoesnow]: is she!?

2005-11-22 [~Acidelf3~]: im confused

2005-11-22 [lordjoesnow]: i know that..tell me if shaz is ok


2005-12-04 [lordjoesnow]: okay okay im sorry

2005-12-18 [Dream to make belive]: we dont kno joe we really dont

2005-12-18 [lordjoesnow]: oh...

2006-01-03 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ok ok im back

2006-01-03 [~Acidelf3~]: im grounded... so i wont be on much.. ill try though i really will

2006-01-04 [punx unite]: PENIS!!!!

2006-01-04 [lordjoesnow]: ahwww hes showing how much he cares...its a shame you wont be online for a while :(...oh yeh and also..HI CRISS CROSS!

2006-01-04 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: BOOM NOW WHAT!

2006-01-04 [lordjoesnow]: eh?

2006-01-05 [~Acidelf3~]: OH WOW!!

2006-01-05 [punx unite]: lol

2006-01-05 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: yea took me a long time too

2006-01-05 [punx unite]: lol

2006-01-05 [~Acidelf3~]: i love it.. so are you and cody talkign again???

2006-01-05 [~Acidelf3~]: alright now .. add me to the members!!

2006-01-06 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Were IN LOVE!!! i love him more than any thing in heel in hevan and between i alwayz have alwayz will!

2006-01-06 [Dream to make belive]: lol

2006-01-06 [~Acidelf3~]: wow... alright... awesome...

2006-01-06 [lordjoesnow]: yeh...and as i read that thers a documentary on Queen and hes singing the lines 'love of my life' im not gunna really hurt :(

2006-01-07 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: huh

2006-01-07 [~Acidelf3~]: i didnt get it either...

2006-01-07 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: yea joe wut r u talkin about

2006-01-07 [punx unite]: i say hes queer

2006-01-08 [~Acidelf3~]: lol.. thats not nice now cody

2006-01-08 [Dream to make belive]: lol Cody your too modest.

2006-01-08 [~Acidelf3~]: AHW... MY MAX IS BACK!!!!!!

2006-01-08 [Dream to make belive]: Big font, please don't use it head ache.

2006-01-08 [~Acidelf3~]: sorry.. i wrote that before i got that message!! *jumps up and down singing* Max is back! Max is baaaaaaccccckkkk!!!

2006-01-08 [punx unite]: ya we can see that

2006-01-08 [~Acidelf3~]: *hits cody playfully* leave me alone i was doing my happy dance.. lolz

2006-01-08 [punx unite]: sure....

2006-01-08 [~Acidelf3~]: sure dont believe me.. just like everyone else aroudn this gay messed up town

2006-01-08 [punx unite]: lol what town is that?

2006-01-08 [~Acidelf3~]: huntsville.. alabama.. gurr

2006-01-08 [punx unite]: ok

2006-01-08 [~Acidelf3~]: *dances again still singing max is back*

2006-01-08 [Dream to make belive]: Alabama

2006-01-08 [~Acidelf3~]: yah.. what about it?

2006-01-09 [lordjoesnow]: does it really matter, cos no1 gives a fuck anyway

2006-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: why do u say that

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